
Back from Copenhagen

I went to Copenhagen thursday and met up with my friend Peter in MAC, we then went to Kongens Have with beer and enjoyed the lovely weather. When we came home we ate pizza from the pizza place down the street (several times that weekend!) The next day Peter had to work, so I met up with an old friend who took me to Assistentens Kirkegård with beer and later to a pub where she bought me my first shot of fernet branca. That was sort of horrible, but we had fun and later Peter and I got drunk, did makeup and listened to loud music all night.On saturday we went out to Club Christopher with a bunch of friends and partied all night, I even wrote in a taxicab in the early morning haha. I felt awful when I came back home yesterday but today I have been experimenting with some new MAC goodies Peter gave me and reading this months' Cover. I am so taking a break from partying. Did you guys have a great weekend too?


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